Phonetic Alphabet 1.7
Tool for the production of words to use tospell phonetically.You write a word and you get a list of characters according to theNATO phonetic alphabet.You can also create and observe the translation of the single Morsecharacter.Finally, you can create and see the translation in signlanguage.
Bluetooth TRIS 1.1
Application that allows you to play the trisgame through a bluetooth connectionYou can pass the link of the game on the market and start playingwith your opponentEasy and intuitive to spend a few minutes ...
Bluetooth MARIENBAD (Nim) 1.1
Application that allows you to play theMARIENBAD (NIM) game through a bluetooth connectionYou can pass the link of the game on the market and start playingwith your opponentEasy and intuitive to spend a few minutes ...
Search rhymes and poems create 1.6
Application useful to search for rhyming wordsin ITALIAN.Search dictionary over 230,000 words.Can also include a filter with the initial part of the searchwords.Simple and intuitive interface, returns 50 words at a time and letsyou scroll through the results to groups of 50.
Sexi Hangman 1.7
The game is very simple and is inspired by thevery classic Hangman that consists to find a word indicating acharacter at a time.Every mistake you implement the figure of the Hangman. The gameends if the Hangman figure is complete.In this variant, for each character spot-on, materializes a sexyfigure.The game is quite challenging because the minimum length of wordsto guess is 13 characters.It is also possible to save the personal record.The database contains the words in English, French, German, Spanishand Italian. It depends on the phone localization.
FindMyCar 2.6
Innovative software that uses the GPS signal to reach a geographiclocation. Shorter you can: 1)save a location and retrieve it later2)know how far you are away from target 3)know in what direction itis 3)take a picture referred geolocated 4)forward your positionwith sms 5)look target position on the map 6) POI's import
Sentinel 1.2
Transform your mobile phone into an acousticand movement sensor that call you when something happens.Very useful application for remote monitoring elderly andchildren.Usage very intuitive.To get started, first of all go to the Settings menu to set thetype of sensor to be used.You can choose between:a) audio sensorb) motion sensorc) both (a + b)At this point, add a phone number in the accredited list and choosethe phone number to call in case of alarm.Now everything is ready and just press start listening.If an event happens, the chosen phone will automatically becalled.
Phone Alcol Test 2.2
Calcola il tasso alcolemico con il tuocellulare in base alle tabelle ministeriali allegate al Decreto del30 luglio 2008.Al termine del calcolo,in relazione al tasso alcolico teorico, ilprogramma riporta una panoramica delle sensazioni ed abilitàcompromesse nonché delle sanzioni attualmente previste inItalia.Calculates the BAC withyour mobile phone according to the tables attached to MinisterialDecree of 30 July 2008.At the end of the calculation, in relation to the theoreticalalcohol, the program provides an overview of impaired sensationsand skills as well as the penalties currently in Italy.
Bluetooth NAVAL BATTLE 1.3
Application that allows you to play the NAVAL BATTLE game through abluetooth connection You can pass the link of the game on themarket and start playing with your opponent Easy and intuitive tospend a few minutes ...
AlignDroid 1.2
Simple application that uses the phone'ssensors to provide two levels (horizontal and vertical) and themagnetic compass. Everything you need to check alignment.
AeroSkiTeam 1.1
Lo Sci Club Aeroskiteam Senigallia èun'Associazione Sportiva dilettantistica senza scopi di lucro, cheintende divertirsi e praticare gli sport più affascinanti al mondo.La nostra prima finalità è quella di diffondere al maggior numerodi persone questo bellissimo sport, nel divertimento e nel gioco,organizzando vacanze, competizioni e nel contempo, assaporando unabuona cucina Italiana. Questo ci permette di affiatarci per unamigliore vita di gruppo e rafforzare le nostre amicizie. Con questaapplicazione sarà possibile rimanere aggiornati sulle ultimenotizie relative alla nostra associazione.
Sms2Agenda 1.2
This app should be on the phone youwantupdate.Manage your calendar and contacts remotely by sending sms tothephone.Your secretary can update your calendar in real time, simplysendingSMS from the office.The application enables a listener on the phone for incomingtextmessages, check whether the number is among thoseadmitted,initiates the insertion of new appointments orleads.The activation of functions are based on the text entered inthetext message received.All functions are activated only if the text contains apassworddefined by the user.Is also possible to create a blacklist of phone numbers that arenotallowed or a whitelist of allowed numbers only.
PhoneAlcolTest 1.6 3.2
Calcola il tasso alcolemico con iltuocellulare in base alle tabelle ministeriali allegate al Decretodel30 luglio 2008.Al termine del calcolo,in relazione al tasso alcolico teorico,ilprogramma riporta una panoramica delle sensazioni edabilitàcompromesse nonchè delle sanzioni attualmente previsteinItalia.Calculate your BACwithyour mobile phone according to the tables attached totheMinisterial Decree of 30 July 2008.At the end of the calculation, in relation to alcoholtheoretical,the program provides an overview of the sensations andimpairedabilities as well as the sanctions provided for currentlyinItaly.
BoggWords 2.1
Application that allows you to play boggwords. This version hasinteraction with the user now (you can play against the computer)Supported language:ITALIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH,GERMAN,SPANISH) Alsoserves to create the scenario of the game playing with friendsaround a table. Be useful when you want to spend some fun time andyou do have only your mobile phone.
Bluetooth HANGMAN 1.3
Application that allows you to play the HANGMAN game through abluetooth connection You can pass the link of the game on themarket and start playing with your opponent Easy and intuitive tospend a few minutes ...
TimeKeeper 2.1
Virtual Timekeeper.Time card. Record the date, time and brief notesof events and sends them by email. Eg. count teams outside ofworking hours, construction sites, etc.. The foreman could recordon your phone the "start" and the "end" of the process and thenreporting to the seat by sending an email.